對看 Look Love



This is a film about two groups of Chinese children born at the turn of the millennium. The former study in one of the best private schools in Beijing while the latter go to a rural primary school funded by the Hope Project in the mountainous areas of Hunan province. While born in the same year, they have been brought up in radically different social and economic environments. In this film, we look at how individuals are shaped by environments which are not of their own choosing.

Using the field research method in anthropology, director Ye Yun document the children's school and family lives and look into their world views. They share with us their likes and dislikes, their joys and sorrows, as well as their dreams and worries about parental love, education and their identities. These stories are woven together throughout the documentary.

We find that despite economic disparities, both groups have a strong desire towards material comfort. At the same time, they seem to be unimaginative about their pursuit in life, are insecure about family love and therefore suffer from it.

We spent most of the time filming the joys and struggles of these children, and the harsh reality points to a lack of individual choices. The film, however, ends with a glimmer of light as the children are shown to be preparing for a school gala with delight and enthusiasm.



CNEX 於2012年2月正式簽約並確定專案預算和拍攝計畫。


.Asian Side of the Doc


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