【影片簡介】68-法國學運紀事 68

【民權抗爭】篇 Struggles for Civil Rights 
法國 France︱2008︱95 min︱Patrick ROTMAN
對世界上許多人來說,一九六八年改變了他們的人生。在歐洲,共產世界的「布拉格之春」民主化運動剛剛萌芽;在德國、義大利、西班牙,也處處可見學生組織的抗議遊行。在法國,越演越烈的抗爭運動演變成法國史上最嚴重的全國性大罷工,縱使街頭成了混亂的戰場、堆積成山的垃圾,也無人願意阻擋嚮往改革的風潮;甚至眾星雲集的坎城影展,也在高達(Jean-Luc GODARD)、楚浮(Francois TRUFFAUT)等法國新浪潮導演的鼓吹下,提前閉幕。就連在保守的日本,青年們也紛紛走上街頭,投入反越戰的行動。
在美國,人權鬥士馬丁路德金博士(Dr. Martin LUTHER KING)所倡導的非暴力革命最終卻招來殘酷的暗殺行動;出身於政治世家的羅拔.甘迺迪(Rober KENNEDY)宣布競選下任美國總統,卻如同兄長前美國總統約翰.甘迺迪(John KENNEDY)一般,倒死在血泊中。在墨西哥,左翼革命家哲.古華拉(Che GUEVARA)的死訊仍籠罩著拉丁美洲的人民,各地的游擊隊戰事也持續升溫。
一九六八年是全球近代史的分水嶺,戰爭與諸多重大事件奪取了許多人寶貴的生命,雖然理想主義的天真浪漫不再,卻同時改變了許多人的人生觀,為後世帶來深遠的影響。伴隨著巴布.狄倫(Bob DYLAN)、吉米.漢醉克斯(Jimi HENDRIX)、珍妮絲.賈普林(Janis JOPLIN)等人狂放嘶喊的搖滾樂聲,本片集結許多珍貴的影像資料,為一九六八這風起雲湧、騷動不安的一年,留下令人難忘的紀錄。
The 1968 uprisings reached their peak in May. But before Paris burned, a youth rebellion had already shaken Poland and Czechoslovakia. Guerrilla warfare, following the leader of Cuba, flared up in Latin America. And in the USA, the issues of civil rights, the assassination of Martin LUTHER KING and the contestation to the Vietnam War brought thousands onto the streets in violent protest.
68 is the worldwide account of the most eventful, the most transformational year since World War two - one of the great hinge points of modern history.
68 will tell the story of an extraordinary year through a narrative rich in images. This film will be exclusively made up of archives. We are working with different researchers throughout the world. Eighty percents of the archives will be in color. Indeed, the sheer quality and quantity of the archive footage available means that we can more easily tell and link the events, put them into the historical background and give them meaning and coherence.
* 策展主題 About The Theme