【民權抗爭】篇 Struggles for Civil Rights
Burma VJ: Reporting from a Closed Country
丹麥、挪威 Denmark - Norway︱2008︱84 min︱Anders ØSTERGAARD
2010 奧斯卡金像獎最佳紀錄長片提名
Best Documentary Feature Nomination, Academy Award
2008 阿姆斯特丹紀錄片國際電影節最佳紀錄長片、人權獎
VPRO Joris Ivens Award & Movies that Matter Human Rights Award, International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam
於此同時,有一群年輕人冒著入獄與被刑求的危險,將小型DV攝影機暗藏在衣物裡,再輾轉利用衛星,從海外將他們秘密偷拍下的歷史性畫面公諸於世,他們稱自己為「緬甸民主之聲」(Democratic Voice of Burma,簡稱DVB)。
Going beyond the occasional news clip from Burma, the acclaimed filmmaker, Anders OSTERGAARD, brings us close to the “video journalists” who deliver the footage. Though risking torture and life in jail, courageous young citizens of Burma live the essence of journalism as they insist on keeping up the flow of news from their closed country.
Armed with small handycams the Burma VJs stop at nothing to make their reportages from the streets of Rangoon. Their material is smuggled out of the country and broadcast back into Burma via satellite and offered as free usage for international media. The whole world has witnessed single event clips made by the VJs, but for the very first time, their individual images have been carefully put together and at once, they tell a much bigger story.
The film offers a unique insight into high-risk journalism and dissidence in a police state, while at the same time providing a thorough documentation of the historical and dramatic days of September 2007, when the Buddhist monks started marching.