【影片簡介】香蕉啟示錄 Bananas!*

【正義思辨】篇 Ways to Justice
瑞典、丹麥 Sweden - Denmark︱2009︱87 min︱Fredrik GERTTEN
2010 巴西 FICA 國際環保電影節觀眾票選獎
Audience Award, FICA, International Festival of Environmental Film and Video, Brazil
然而,在完成本片後,導演卻遭到都樂集團的打壓刁難,甚至提出抹黑告訴,身為紀錄片導演的葛登也不是省油的燈,順勢將此過程記錄下來,成為下部作品《正面蕉瘋》(Big Boys Gone Bananas!* )。雙方的訴訟讓人不禁思考在遇上資本利益時,企業的社會良心究竟在哪?而處於劣勢的第三世界勞工是否有機會為自己奪回正義?
Bananas!* chronicles a landmark and highly controversial legal case pitting a dozen Nicaraguan plantation workers against Dole Food Corporation, Dole’s alleged usage of a deadly banned pesticide and its probable link to generations of sterilized workers.
Central to both the film and case is Juan “Accidentes” DOMINGUEZ, a Los Angeles-based personal injury attorney who, although iconic within the Latino community for his ubiquitous billboard ads, is unquestionably facing the biggest case and challenge in his career. As the legal representation on the first Nicaraguan
sterility case to be tried in US courts, DOMINGUEZ and his colleague, Duane C. MILLER, are breaking new ground. Theirs is a bellwether case: The first of thousands of cases awaiting trial in Nicaragua and the first legal case where foreign farm workers were allowed to testify against an American multinational corporation before a full jury on US soil. At stake are the futures of generations of workers, their families as well as the culture of global, multinational business.
If DOMINGUEZ is successful, it could rock the economic foundations of Dole and Dow, and would open the US courts to other global victims of US-based multinationals. It would represent a new day in international justice, and there are further cases of a similar nature coming up next in many jurisdictions.
Bananas!* is a suspenseful, layer-peeling, court room drama chronicle contextualized within the global politics of food and First vs. Third world dynamics.
策展主題 About The Theme