【信念實踐】篇 Beliefs & Reliefs
Chasing Ice
美國 USA︱2011︱75 min︱Jeff ORLOWSKI
2012 加拿大Hot Docs國際紀錄片電影節觀眾票選獎
Audience Award, Hot Docs International Documentary Festival
2012 日舞影展最佳攝影獎
Excellence Cinematography Award, Sundance Film Festival
近來全球天災頻傳,專家學者眾說紛紜,大部分人相信此為溫室效應所造成,也有部分人士存疑,包含《國家地理雜誌》攝影師詹姆士.巴羅格(James BALOG)。詹姆士的冰河攝影專題是《國家地理雜誌》近五年來最受歡迎的企劃,他親自走訪極地,見證了封存千萬年冰河的崩解,也因此有了更遠大的計畫。
鑑於各極地冰層的融解,詹姆士組織了極度冰川調查探險隊(ESI, Extreme Ice Survey),橫跨三大陸設置三十架特製攝影機,記錄各地冰山、冰河的狀況。觀眾將見證一個小人物試圖以自己的力量改變歷史,極盡挑戰自己的事業與身體,只為喚起全球對氣候變遷的關注。
Photographer James BALOG’s documentation of the glaciers was the most-read story in National Geographic Magazine in the last five years. But for BALOG, the assignment also inspired him to engage in a much larger and longer-term project to study the melting arctic. Chasing Ice tells the story of a visionary artist who adventure to capture the most visible sign of climate change, against all odds.
National Geographic photographer James BALOG was once a skeptic about climate change. But through his Extreme Ice Survey, he discovers undeniable evidence of our changing planet. In Chasing Ice , we follow BALOG across the Arctic as he deploys revolutionary time-lapse cameras designed for one purpose: to capture a multi-year record of the world's changing glaciers. His hauntingly beautiful videos compress years into seconds and capture ancient mountains of ice in motion as they disappear at a breathtaking rate.
Traveling with a young team of adventurers by helicopter, canoe and dog sled across three continents, BALOG risks his career and his well-being in pursuit of the biggest story in human history. As the debate polarizes America and the intensity of natural disasters ramp up around the world, Chasing Ice depicts a heroic photojournalist on a mission to gather evidence and deliver hope to our carbon-powered planet.