【信念實踐】篇 Beliefs & Reliefs
The Island President
美國 USA ︱ 2011︱101 min︱Jon SHENK
2012 日舞協會/希爾頓協會希爾頓永續發展獎
Hilton LightStay Sustainability Award, Hilton Worldwide and Sundance Institute
2011 多倫多國際電影節觀眾票選獎
People's Choice Award for Documentary, Toronto International Film Festival
馬爾代夫是全世界地勢最低的國家,平均海拔只有○.九公尺,由於全球暖化導致冰川融化,不斷升高的海平面使馬爾代夫成為全球最容易受氣候變遷所影響的地區。為了不讓群島上近三十三萬居民成為首批氣候難民,馬爾代夫總統瓦希德(Mohamed NASHEED)於二○○八年上任後,立即在國際間展開一連串精采的遊說與造勢活動,試圖為國家與人民的生存奮力一搏。
本片記錄瓦希德當選後第一年的任期,回溯他為了爭取民主而經歷的監禁與流放生涯,以及他在二○○九年哥本哈根全球氣候大會前夕舉辦「水中內閣會議」等造勢活動,宣布將在斯里蘭卡、印度、澳洲等地為 馬爾代夫人民物色新國土,為「氣候亡國」的可能做出最壞打算。他更積極與其他島嶼國家結盟,試圖說服美國,以及中國、印度等發展中大國同意簽署減少排碳量的協定。眼看會議即將落幕,仍未得到大國的正面回應,瓦希德發表激動人心的演說,試圖扭轉情勢,獲得不少迴響。今年二月馬爾代夫發生政變,瓦希德雖在槍桿下被迫辭去總統的職位,卻仍持續為改善氣候問題而奔走努力。
The Island President is the story of President Mohamed NASHEED of the Maldives, a man confronting a problem greater than any other world leader has ever faced–the literal survival of his country and everyone in it. After bringing democracy to the Maldives after thirty years of despotic rule, NASHEED is now faced with an even greater challenge: as one of the most lowlying countries in the world, a rise of three feet in sea level would submerge the 1200 islands of the Maldives enough to make them uninhabitable.
The Island President captures NASHEED’s first year of office, culminating in his trip to the Copenhagen Climate Summit in 2009, where the film provides a rare glimpse of the political horsetrading that goes on at such a top-level global assembly. NASHEED is unusually candid about revealing his strategies– leveraging the Maldives’ underdog position as a tiny country, harnessing the power of media, and overcoming deadlocks through an appeal to unity with other developing nations. When hope fades for a written accord to be signed, NASHEED sheed makes a stirring speech which salvages an agreement. Despite the modest size of his country, Mohamed NASHEED has become one of the leading international voices for urgent action on climate change.