
日期: 2013.01.23(三)
時間: 18:30-20:30
地點: 香港中文大學 邵逸夫堂
嘉賓: 李錦先生(法興證券環球股票產品董事及社聯--頌慈基金創辦人)
Film: Men of the City
Date: 2013.01.23 (Wed)
Time: 18:30-20:30
Venue: Sir Run Run Shaw Hall, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Guest: Mr. Edmond Lee ( Director Global Equity Flow Societe Generale, Co-founder of HKCSS-Elderly Care Fund)
*English with Chinese subtitles, free admission.
Map of CUHK
大城小事 Men of the City
英國 UK / 2009 / 58min / Marc ISAACS
★BBC 特別推薦
一位孟加拉移民的單親父親,為了女兒每天奔波, 不敢放棄任何一個工作機會,然而辛苦的工作卻只 能換來時薪 4 鎊的報酬;一位清道夫將自己辛苦的工作視為對社區的回饋,並在工作之餘,努力尋求精神上的滿足與生命答案;一位基金組織的高階主 管,除了要克服金融危機,更面臨家庭親情的挑戰,因他整日將目光鎖在市場波動的屏幕上,近乎成癮 的行為使他失去了妻兒。導演花了超過兩年的時 間,捕捉金融危機前後,城市人們的生活寫照。
A Bangladeshi man dashes through the streets burdened by the cross-shaped advertising signboard he is carrying on his back; a trader loses his family as a result of his addiction to the financial markets; a chain smoking insurance man tries desperately to escape the city's daily grind; an aggressive metals trader lives for killing animals at the weekend; a street sweeper on a spiritual quest seeks a life in the wilderness. Marc ISAACS's latest feature length film shot during the current financial crisis explores the human cost of life in the dog eat dog world of London's Square Mile.
李先生畢業於澳洲墨爾本大學,主修經濟及商業法律,並持有香港大學財務系碩士學位。李先生從事金融工作逾20年,專於股票及股票衍生產品。李先生受邀於香港及內地報章撰寫專欄,也常為專業團體、大專等擔任講者。李先生擁有四本投資的著作,其中近作《從一元開始》更為暢銷書籍之一。2007年1月,李先生與一位好友成立了「社聯 ─ 頌慈基金」,此基金主要幫助本地有需要的長者,改善他們的家居環境及生活質素。
About the guest speaker
Director Global Equity Flow Societe Generale, Co-founder of HKCSS-Elderly Care Fund.
*第二輪巡展特刊下載:2nd Round Booklet 
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