
日期: 2013.02.07(四)
時間: 18:00-20:00
地點: 香港大學本部校園 莊月明物理樓CYP-P3講堂
嘉賓: 李偉才博士(科普作家及自由撰稿人、科學館顧問委員、香港科幻會會長)
Film: The Flaw
Date: 2013.02.07 (Thu)
Time: 18:00-20:00
Venue: CYP-P3, Chong Yuet Ming Physics Building, Main Campus, The University of Hong Kong
Guest: Dr. Eddy Lee (Popular Science Author & Freelance Writer, Advisory Committee Member of Hong Kong Science Museum, Chairman of Hong Kong Science Fiction Club)
*English with Chinese subtitles, free admission.
資本主義的陷阱 The Flaw
英國 UK / 2011 / 78min / David SINGTON
◎2011 日舞影展 Sundance Film Festival
「主導世界運作的經濟模型是有瑕疵(flaw)的 !」 此番話出自於前美國聯準會的主席格林斯潘。導演登門拜訪耶魯、哈佛等一流大學的經濟學教授、諾貝爾獎得主、基金公司創辦經理、房地產投資人等, 縱向追溯美國資本主義的發展歷程,橫向調查了金融環境的現況。當我們都畏懼著金融風暴,深知可能造成的重大危害,卻又一片迷惘的同時,本片抽絲剝繭,一步步探尋導致經濟危機的瑕疵究竟藏在何處。
Made by international award-winning documentary maker David Sington, THE FLAW tells the story of the credit bubble that caused the financial crash. Through interviews with some of the world's leading economists, including housing expert Robert Shiller, Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz, and economic historian Louis Hyman, as well as Wall Street insiders and victims of the crash including Ed Andrews - a former economics correspondent for The New York Times who found himself facing foreclosure - and Andrew Luan, once a bond trader at Deutsche Bank now running his own Wall Street tour guide business, the film presents an original and compelling account of the toxic combination of forces that nearly destroyed the world economy.
The film shows how excessive income inequality in society leads to economic instability. At a time when economic theory and public policy is being re-examined this film reminds us that without addressing the root causes of the crisis the system may collapse again and next time it may not be possible for governments to rescue it.
*第二輪巡展特刊下載:2nd Round Booklet
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