
日期: 2013.02.28(四)
時間: 18:00-20:00
地點: 香港科技大學曾肇添展藝廳
嘉賓: 陳彩銀小姐(臨床心理學家)& 溫美寶小姐(臨床心理學家)
Film: Connected : An Autoblogography about Love, Death and Technology
Date: 2013.02.28 (Thu)
Time: 18:00-20:00
Venue: Tsang Shiu Tim Art Hall, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Guest: Ms. Silver CHAN (Clinical Psychologist) & Ms. Mabel WAN (Clinical Psychologist)
*English with Chinese subtitles, free admission.
About the guest speaker
Silver Chan
Miss Silver Chan, Student Counselor from Counseling & Development Team of SAO, HKUST. She is also a Registered Clinical Psychologist. As a Counselor, her mission is to support, coach and nurture students at HKUST to enrich their university life in a few key life aspects, including intellectual, emotion and social development.
Mabel Wan
Miss Mabel Wan, Student Counselor from Student Affairs Office, HKUST, was trained as clinical psychologist. Before joining HKUST, she worked in community services settings and provided counseling services to people with problem gambling, family problems and addictive behaviors.
愛的進化論 Connected : An Autoblogography about Love, Death and Technology
美國 USA / 2011 / 82min / Tiffany SHLAIN
◎2011 Maui影展觀眾票選最佳紀錄片 Best Documentary, Maui Film Festival Audience Award
網路發展到智慧型手機的演進,通訊與科技將現代人的一切生活與文化活動,跨越時空地連結在一起。 科學一詞在希臘字源中所指即是切割,人類不斷尋找不可切割的粒子或終極答案,卻忽略了人與人、 人與自然、與世界的連結。本片充滿符號與隱喻的活潑動畫,穿插大量歷史影像、多媒體素材,呈現歷史重大事件以及當前危機。導演為文明發展提出一個省思性的回顧,同時其自身家庭成員的互動觀察及父女的溫情自白,更增添此紀錄片的感人元素。
With wonderful heart and an impressive sense of scale, Connected explores the visible and invisible connections linking major issues of our time - the environment, consumption, population growth, technology, human rights, the global economy - while searching for her place in the world during a transformative time in her life. With humor, curiosity and irony, the SHLAIN family life merges with philosophy to create both a personal portrait and a proposal for ways we can move forward as a civilization. The film proposes that after centuries of declaring independence, it may be time for us to declare our interdependence instead.
*第二輪巡展特刊下載:2nd Round Booklet
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