
日期: 2013.03.04(三)
時間: 18:30-19:50
地點: 香港中文大學 邵逸夫堂
嘉賓: 黃肇邦 先生(《舞回路》導演)
Film: Back on the Street
Date: 2013.03.04 (Wed)
Time: 18:30-19:50
Venue: Sir Run Run Shaw Hall, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Guest: Mr. Wong Siu Pong ( The Film Director)
*Cantonese with Chi & Eng Subtitles, free admission.
Map of CUHK
舞回路 Back on the Street
香港 HK / 2010 / 47min / 黃肇邦 Wong Siu Pong
◎2011華語紀錄片節 Chinese Documentary Festival
◎2012圓筒大學生影像展 Art De vivre College Student Film Festival
◎2012第四屆發生藝術節 4th Breaking Arts Festival
"Rhythm Attack" is a street dance group formed 10 years ago. They are powerful dancers and outspoken critics of businessmen, the entertainment industry and even fellow dancers. Neither do they care about praise nor disdain. They just chill and try to make a killing, B-boy style. 
*第二輪巡展特刊下載:2nd Round Booklet 
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