[The Good Lab]站2013.03.23

日期: 2013.03.23(六)
時間: 19:30-21:30
地點: 好單位小劇場,西九龍通州街500號星匯居L1(港鐵長沙灣站步行6分鐘,南昌站步行10分鐘)
嘉賓: 張鼎源先生 ( Sow Ideas Company Limited 營運總監、CUP 出版有限公司顧問)
*粵語對白,中英文字幕 ,免費入場
Film: Dragon Boat
Date: 2013.03.23 (Sat)
Time: 19:30-21:30
Venue: Mini Theatre, The Good Lab, L1, The Sparkle, 500 Tung Chau Street, West Kowloon
Guest: Mr. Cheung Ting Yuen, Alex (Chief Operating Officer in Sow Ideas Company Limited & Consultant of CUP Magazine Publishing Limited)
* Cantonese with Chi and Eng Subtitles, free admission.
張鼎源,自少愛食糭,不太喜歡屈原,迷信生活該多一點可能,深信思想要多一點理性。以為從事傳媒可以改變世界,結果改變了自己。對於鄉土及家國的概念浮動,在被愛的國度,自然願意付出感情,但單戀自有高尚一面,不過始終痛苦,或許這樣才迷人醉心。希望籍著這次討論及分享,能找出你和我心中的理想家園,及願意付出多少努力。茶杯雜誌出版有限公司前總編輯,負責刊物包括 CUP、Clip、Cuppa 等,曾策劃出版計劃:不中不英系列(褚簡寧、陶傑),彭浩翔作品系列,有聲書《單身》(甘國亮聲演),通識詞典(與 Roundtable 合作出版)。現職 Sow Ideas Company Limited 營運總監及 CUP 出版有限公司顧問。
About Guest Speaker
Cheung Ting Yuen, Alex
Obsessed with rice dumplings, but not with Qu Yuan. Believe in possibilities of lives, trust in rationalities of thoughts. Thought of entering the media field can change the world, but it changes himself indeed. Holding a swaying concept of country and nation, however, living on a blessed ground, the euthusiaism of making our place a little better is glowing, painful yet alluring. Wishing to find out a utopia of all through this sharing session, and how much efforts we are willing to put in.
Being the former Chief Editor of CUP Magazine Publishing Limited, Alex was responsible for printed media including CUP, Clip and Cuppa. Having been organizing publishing projects like the Double Talk Series (Authors: Michael Chugani & Chip Tsao), Pang Ho-cheung's Prose Series, Audio Book “A Single Man” (Monologues by: Kam Kwok-leung), and The Vocabulary Builder for Liberal Studies (Coordinate with Roundtable Publishing), Alex currently works as Chief Operating Officer in Sow Ideas Company Limited and Consultant of CUP Magazine Publishing Limited.
龍船Dragon Boat
中國 China / 2010 / 84min / 曹丹 CAO Dan
★CNEX 監製影片
◎2011 第五屆“雲之南”紀錄影像展入圍特別放映單元
Yunnan Multi Culture Visual Festival, 2011
The 3rd DMZ Korean International Documentary Festival, Asian Perspective section, 2011
(London) Chinese Visual Festival, 3rd prize Audience Award, 2012
影片的拍攝從2001年開始,歷時十年,記錄了中國南部珠三角地區的小谷圍島練溪村龍船的故事。離廣州城距離只有十幾公里的練溪村,在2001年仍保持著相當傳統的生活方式和習俗,村民主要由農民和漁民組成,他們熱衷划龍船,傳統的端午節龍舟競渡是村莊一年一度的盛事。2003年隨著廣州大學城的建設,練溪村村民不得不搬遷和重新安置。今天,小谷圍島和練溪村的名字已經從地圖上消失,縱橫交錯的高速公路和地鐵連接著小島與城市,擁有十多所高校的廣州大學城,其規模相當於可容納35到40萬人的中型城市。也許是命運的捉弄,練溪村舊址被改造成民俗旅遊區“嶺南印象園”, 失去了土地和遠離河岸的練溪村村民每逢端午節仍返回原村划龍船,龍船是否成了聯繫村民和故土家園的紐帶?傳統習俗將如何生存?在城市化迅速發展的中國,練溪村的故事,也是二十一世紀中國鄉土社會消逝的縮影。
The annual dragon boat race was a major event for the villagers of Lianxi, on an island in southern China. With the construction of University Town in 2003, the villagers were forced to resettle. Today, the island has been turned into a mini city, and the former site of Lianxi Village has been transformed into a folk culture resort. Resettled villagers return to the site every year to continue their tradition of dragon boat racing. Will the dragon boat remain the link between the villagers and their former homeland? Lianxi village's fate profoundly reflects the many ongoing encounters between native cultures and modernization in China today. 
*第二輪巡展特刊下載:2nd Round Booklet
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