[The Good Lab]站2013.04.21

日期: 2013.04.21(日)
時間: 14:00-16:30
地點: 好單位小劇場,西九龍通州街500號星匯居L1(港鐵長沙灣站步行6分鐘,南昌站步行10分鐘)
嘉賓: 林旭華 先生 (資深傳媒人)
Film: Falling from the Sky
Date: 2013.04.21 (Sun)
Time: 14:00-16:30
Venue: Mini Theatre, The Good Lab, L1, The Sparkle, 500 Tung Chau Street, West Kowloon
Guest: Mr. Lam Yuk Wah (Experienced Media Professional) 
*Mandarin with Simplified Chi and Eng Subtitles, free admission.
天降Falling From the Sky
中國 China / 2009 / 124min / 張贊波 ZHANG Zan-bo
The untouched Suining county of Hunan province is an ordinary but magical place. As the theoretical falling area of the rocket debris launched from the Xichang Rocket Center, it has received rocket debris dozens of times over a 20-year period since 1990. This mysterious and dangerous "extraterritorial guest" has disturbed the poor but peaceful life of the 160,000 local residents. The year of 2008 is the "Olympic year" and the "astronomic year" in China. Suining residents were anticipating the Olympics like the rest of the country. While they are proud of the increasing national power including the astronomic capabilities, they have to face the destiny that falls from the sky.
林旭華先生是香港著名電台節目主持,擁有超過三十年傳媒工作經驗,在業界享負盛名,涉足的範疇包括本地電視台、製作公司及電影機構的節目製作、採購與發行。林旭華的傳媒工作經驗豐富,曾參與主持政治時事電視節目《頭條新聞》,該節目由香港電台公共事務部製作,每星期播出一集,於黃金時段播映。截至2004年9月,林旭華亦參與主持商業電台第一台的《風波裡的茶杯》。該節目是香港極受歡迎的電台節目。林旭華入行可追遡至1973年。他最初擔任《香港虎報》記者,其後於不同傳媒機構工作,包括《明報晚報》、電視廣播有限公司(即「無線電視」)、和記專線、麗的電視 (「亞洲電視」前身)、香港電台及商業等台等,出任公共關係經理、節目主持、雜誌節目研發及製作部負責人等職務。1976年,林旭華在《歡樂今宵》擔任節目研發部主管,同時負責在節目內容中宣傳政府所推廣的項目。在1990年代初,他獲委任為公民教育委員會委員,任期達6年。他亦在工業貿易署統籌的服務業支援資助計劃中,擔任公共關係及研究委員會與評審委員會成員。此外,林旭華是香港電影協會 (MPIA) 的創會理事之一,至今仍積極參與該會事務,是該會活躍成員。他亦是兒童癌病基金創辦人之一,並負責管理該基金的公關小組。他目前亦代表香港電影協會就電影相關事務及保護知識產權方面發言。
About Guest Speaker
Lam Yuk-wah, Peter is one of the most popular radio programme hosts and media personalities in Hong Kong. He has a wealth of over 30 years diversified experiences in the entertainment industry including programme production, acquisition and distribution for local TV stations, production companies and motion picture organizations. As a media expert, Peter has co-hosted the prime-time weekly public affairs programme, "Headliners"「頭條新聞」. Until September 2004, he had been a co-host of Hong Kong's most popular talk show "Tea Cup in the Storm"「風波裡的茶杯」.
*第二輪巡展特刊下載:2nd Round Booklet
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