
日期: 2014.03.24(一)
時間: 18:30-20:30
地點: 香港城市大學 康樂樓 6樓 R6052室
- 區廖淑貞博士(香港城市大學應用社會科學助理系主任)
電影語言: 英語、瑞典語、斯瓦希裡語及基庫尤語對白,中、英文字幕
Film: A Small Act
Date: 2014.03.24 (Mon)
Time: 18:30-20:30
Venue: R6052, 6/F, Amenities Building (Via Lift 13), City University of Hong Kong
Guest Speaker:
- Dr. Elaine AU (Assistant Head (Student Life and Learning, and Community Outreach), Department of Applied Social Science)
Film Language: English, Swedish, Swahili & Kikuyu (with Chi & Eng subtitles)
*This event is free of charge. Any change of programme details will be announced on website and Facebook page.
主辦單位 Organizers
City University of Hong Kong
香港城市大學 學生發展處
Student Development Services, City University of Hong Kong
香港城市大學 Wellness March 邁向康盛人生
 Wellness March, City University of Hong Kong
影片簡介 About The Film
巡展特刊下載 Download Screening Booklet