日期: 2014.03.01(週六)
時間: 14:00-16:00
地點: 香港青年協會賽馬會 Media 21媒體空間 uCinema
- 余遠騁博士 (世界綠色組織行政總裁)
電影語言: 英語對白,中文字幕
公民講堂語言: 粵語
網上報名留座: http://www.m21.hk/event/cnex_documentary/
* 費用全免,須網上報名留座,名額有限,額滿即止。另有預留座位予即場觀眾,先到先得。
* 如有任何節目調動或補充資料,以官網及Facebook專頁最新公布為準。
Film: Chasing Ice
Date: 2014.03.01 (Sat)
Time: 14:00-16:00
Venue: Media 21 uCinema, The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups
Rm2, LG2/F. She Pai Wan Shopping Center, Aberdeen, Hong Kong
Guest Speaker:
- Dr. YU Yuen Ping William (CEO, World Green Organization)
Film Language: English with Chi subtitles
Sharing Session Language: Cantonese
Online reservation: http://www.m21.hk/event/cnex_documentary/
*This event is free of charge. Online reservation is open to public. Limited eats are held for walk in audience on first come first serve basis.
*Any change of programme details will be announced on website and Facebook page.
地圖 Map
合辦單位 Partners
香港青年協會 The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups
Media 21媒體空間 Media 21