
日期: 2014.03.01(週六)
時間: 14:00-16:00
地點: 香港青年協會賽馬會 Media 21媒體空間 uCinema
- 余遠騁博士 (世界綠色組織行政總裁)
電影語言: 英語對白,中文字幕
公民講堂語言: 粵語
網上報名留座: http://www.m21.hk/event/cnex_documentary/
* 費用全免,須網上報名留座,名額有限,額滿即止。另有預留座位予即場觀眾,先到先得。
* 如有任何節目調動或補充資料,以官網及Facebook專頁最新公布為準。
Film: Chasing Ice
Date: 2014.03.01 (Sat)
Time: 14:00-16:00
Venue: Media 21 uCinema, The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups
            Rm2, LG2/F. She Pai Wan Shopping Center, Aberdeen, Hong Kong
Guest Speaker: 
- Dr. YU Yuen Ping William (CEO, World Green Organization)
Film Language: English with Chi subtitles
Sharing Session Language: Cantonese
Online reservation: http://www.m21.hk/event/cnex_documentary/
*This event is free of charge. Online reservation is open to public. Limited eats are held for walk in audience on first come first serve basis.
*Any change of programme details will be announced on website and Facebook page.
地圖 Map
合辦單位 Partners
香港青年協會 The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups
Media 21媒體空間 Media 21
影片簡介 About The Film
巡展特刊下載 Download Screening Booklet